The possibilities and limitations of network analysis, and more specifically: how do we deal with it within the research projects of the current eight NSMD PhD students? This was the central question during the kick-off meeting of the NSMD network analysis training in Amsterdam, 3 February 2022. An inspiring, instructive day, given by Lourens Waldorp, UvA researcher and NSMD member

Waldorp works at the University of Amsterdam at the department of Psychological Methods and mainly does research on network analysis, 'high dimensional statistics' and dynamic systems. The PhD students briefly presented their projects, after which there was time to spar about the challenges in the field of network analysis. In the coming months, everyone will work independently, after which there will be a two-day practical on 10 and 11 May, again in Amsterdam.
Carolien Martijn, as head of the NSMD Talent Team closely involved with the PhD students: "Several times the wish for such a training course was expressed, both by younger and older participants. It’s very pleasant to have such explanation and discussion ‘live’."
With pizza at the end and ample breaks, it was not only an interesting day, but also a pleasant one.