Inga Marie Freund started her PhD in the Amsterdam Emotional Memory Lab at the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam. She will dive into emotional memory, firstly defining and operationalising the construct, in order to then investigate whether emotional memory is a latent construct or a partial common cause of mental conditions.

In September 2020, Freund obtained her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Glasgow and graduated with a research master in Clinical and Health Psychology at Leiden University. She has previously spent 5 months in the Emotional Memory Lab for a research internship. “There I was intrigued by the complexity of memory, especially its ability to influence cognition and behaviour. This fascination as well as my sheer interest in clinical psychology led me back to the Emotional Memory Lab, after having completed a clinical internship at PsyQ.”
She will join the Emotional Memory Team, and is supervised by Merel Kindt, Arnaud Arntz, and Renee Visser