Maaike Steenhuis started as a PhD candidate at Maastricht University, within the NSMD consortium. The title of her project is “Please like me - Understanding how Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE) fuels thoughts, emotions and behaviors”.

People naturally fear negative evaluations of other people. For some people, this fear of negative evaluation (FNE) is extreme and gives rise to psychological disorders such as social anxiety and depressed mood. In a series of lab and field studies, Maaike will examine when and how FNE fuels dysfunctional thought patterns, fear, and mood. The aim is to uncover the dynamics of FNE and to learn how dysfunctional thought patterns can be changed.
Maaike Steenhuis studied the Bachelor Psychology and the Research Master Social and Health Psychology, at Utrecht University. She starts this project at Maastricht University as of 1 February. Het supervisors are Carolien Martijn, Lotte Lemmens, and Anita Jansen.