Mila Dix started her PhD at Maastricht University in the section Eating Disorders and Obesity. She will study transdiagnostic symptom networks in patients with eating and weight disorders and how these networks relate to diagnostic categories of eating disorders.

Does obesity belong on a continuum of eating disorders? These networks will also be used to investigate which type of patient is more likely to successfully lose weight after bariatric surgery such as a gastric bypass.
Mila studied Health Sciences with a specialization in Mental Health and finished her master Health and Social Psychology in 2022, both at Maastricht University. Throughout these studies, she became very interested in the psychology of health behaviors like overeating and restrictive eating. For her theses, she studied the role of mindset in food intake and the perceptions of patients and professionals that maintain obesity.
She will join the Disordered Desires Team under supervision of Anita Jansen, Lotte Lemmens and Carolien Martijn.