Introducing Young Talent Marie-Louise Kullberg
Marie-Louise Kullberg joined the NSMD consortium as a Young Talent in September 2024. She is a postdoctoral researcher in the Clinical Psychology department of Leiden University and a licensed healthcare psychologist at LUBEC, the university's specialized mental health care facility.

In 2022, Marie-Louise earned her PhD, which focused on the connection between adverse childhood parenting experiences and mental health problems. Her research approached this link from a family systems perspective, utilizing sibling data and parent and child information to uncover new patterns in the bidirectional relationships between negative parenting experiences and psychological problems. To achieve this, she employed a variety of methods, including questionnaires, observational data, and ecological momentary assessments (EMA), providing a comprehensive view of parent-child interactions and relationships.
Bridging the gap
Currently, Marie-Louise continues her work as a researcher and therapist at Leiden University and LUBEC, with a focus on childhood trauma, parenting, and PTSD. As a scientist-practitioner, she strives to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice. Her interests lie in how scientific insights can improve psychotherapies and how collaboration between researchers and clinicians can enhance mental health care delivery for traumatized patients.
She is a member of the NSMD Communicating Networks team, working with Prof. Dr. Bernet Elzinga and PhD candidates Kyra Verboon and Myrthe Veenman.