NSMD’s third annual conference took place on 8 and 9 June, in the sunny south of the Netherlands. Vaeshartelt Castle, near Maastricht, was the venue, like last year. With four keynote speakers, from near and far, around fifty participants and a programme with lots of moments to catch up informally, it was a conference to remember.

The conference in numbers:
Text below big picture

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Meet an expert session

4 keynote speakers

  1. Anne Roefs from Maastricht University presented ‘Multi-level and individual networks of psychopathology symptoms: Stability, idiosyncrasy, and relationship with psychopathology severity’.
  2. Harriëtte Riese from the Groningen University Centre of Psychiatry presented ‘Let’s talk about personalized experience sampling (ESM) in clinical practice’. 
  3. Cheri Levinson from Louisville Center for Eating Disorders presented ‘Personalizing Eating Disorder Treatment Using Idiographic Network Analyses’.
  4. Omid Ebrahimi from the University of Oslo and University of Oxford presented ‘Towards precision in the diagnostic profiling of patients: Leveraging symptom dynamics in the assessment and treatment of mental health disorders’.

52 participants.

3 vegetarian meals.

7 PhD talks

Mado Ntekouli, René Freichel, Laurens Kemp, Gita Nadinda, Myrthe Veenman, Franziska Schutzeichel, Inga Marie Freund.

4 PhD poster presentations

Kyra Verboon, Mila Dix, Alessandra Mansueto, Güldehan Durman. 

5 day chairs

Antoinette van Laarhoven, Renée Visser, Janna Cousijn, Katrijn Houben, Inga Marie Freund.

176 cups of coffee.

PhD poster presentation
Cheri Levinson
Harriëtte Riese
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Meet an expert session
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100 mozzarella 'kroketten'.


1 Castle Cat, named Vaeske.

Who's the boss?